Freewallet for BITCOIN GOLD, BTC, LITECOIN: never use !
Never use Freewallet to store, receive or send Bitcoin, LTC, XMR or other coins. Otherwise, you will lose your assets.
If you have landed on this page, then most likely you wanted to know if Freewallet is suitable for Bitcoin Gold, Litecoin or BTC. Correct answer: no! This “wallet” was created by scammers to steal your assets.
In one of the previous posts, we explained why you can’t store Monero on Freewallet. Today we will talk about other coins
Bytecoin is one of the most popular altcoins. This cryptocurrency is outside the top 10 coins, but it is quite suitable for investing and some other operations. We note right away that it does not matter which coins and tokens are more or less promising. Most importantly, do not store them on your Freewallet wallet!
Back in 2019, Reddit forum user Bronze tried to warn crypto investors about Freewallet scams. Although I used this service for a small amount, I lost my funds, said the victim.
Unfortunately, the number of victims has increased over the years. Many users notice Freewallet fraud warnings after losing BTC, BCC, LTC and other cryptocurrencies. The owners of Freewallet org write off the assets of the victims to personal wallets. In addition, as soon as a sufficient amount appears on the wallet, the scammers block the client’s account and ignore any of his requests.
Wait, the reader might say, but should a service be judged by a single complaint? Yes! Because Freewallet scammers has already received hundreds of negative reviews. The least that can happen is that the administration of the wallet will take a huge commission from the transaction, and will answer your appeal that you did not read the rules carefully and did not notice the current fees.
A similar situation is visible in the screenshot. But this user was lucky, at least he managed to withdraw some of the assets. Usually, the Freewallet administration simply freezes the coins. So the answer to the question can you sell Bitcoins with Freewallet is simple: no. Do not try to do this, otherwise you will lose your savings!
Here is another review from a user who lost money due to Freewallet
(Bitcoin gold, Bitcoin, Litecoin – no matter what coins you have, they will steal everything!).
‘I have provided screenshots of all trading blocks and transactions.
They are looking for various reasons to verify me, and the requirements are very unusual.
I submitted:
ID card, hand-held ID card photo, bank card, bank statement, handheld APP ID photo, 2 inch photo, utility bill.’
Freewallet administration abuses the provisions of the AML policy, using it as a basis for the theft of assets. This is the most common way of fraud by the Freewallet Administration.
Never use Freewallet for Bitcoin Gold, BTC, Litecoin, any other cryptocurrencies. It’s a scam project!
If our suggestion didn’t help, and your wallet already got blocked, don’t panic! There is a chanse to get your coins back.
Tell us about the incident by emailing Our lawyers will consult you for free, help you collect evidence and prepare an appeal to the competent authorities.