Attention! Freewallet crypto scam!


3 min read

Freewallet crypto wallet is an app that was created for fraud, not for secure bitcoin or ethereum payments! Hundreds of customers already lost their assets! Dmitry Gunyashov and other owners of this scam are trying a lot to get new victims. But as long as they try to delete real reviews, people are adding new. So that, each our text will get it more hard for Freewallet crypto scam project founders to steal more money!

Freewallet crypto wallet founders delete negative reviews

This is the first thing you need to know if you are checking this apps reviews. If you post any complaints on official Freewallet pages, your comments will be deleted. For example, man named Ahmad Sohaib had issues while he was trying to withdraw his coins. Since support ignored his tickets, Ahmad decided to write a comment of Freewallet app facebook page. It was deleted and security manager just blocked victims account from following their official page. This situation is not unique. As other scammers, Freewallet crypto wallet founders care a lot about deleting negative reviews. But you still can find some not just on our website but also on many other pages.

How to find real Freewallet reviews

This question is very important. Only Freewallet reviews from real customers are trustful. Ut’s not hard to pay to some author who will leave ani comment you wish. But if we talk about Freewallet crypto scam, only real customers will write their true stories.

Check this comment made by one of the thousands Free wallet crypto scam victims. This man lost his savings because administration didn’t let him withdraw BTC. At the same time, blockchain explorer showed that coins were gone to other adress. Customer’s money were stolen by Freewallet scammers!

Here is another one from hundreds of negative Freewallet reviews. “It’s just a ripoff”. As you can see, a customer spent years to get his coins back. But they were stolen. If you wanted to download Freewallet app, and found this material, we hope that you”ll change your mind. Otherwise, you are going to send your BTC, ETH or other crypto assets to fraudsters!

Time to stop Free wallet crypto scam!

We are filling our websites with real Freewallet reviews not just to inform potential clients about danger. Our main goal is to help the victims to get their assets back. That’s why it’s really important to organize investigation, that will check all crimes commited by Gunyashov, Mesheryakov and other Freewallet org owners.

That’s why we created a petition, adressed to the NFIB (National Fraud Investigation Bureau). This authority may start investigation against Freewallet crypto scammers. And we ask everyone to sign our petition!

We also can provide free legal support to all victims. If you have similar issues, trying to withdraw your savings, contact us and we’ll try to help you!