Monero on Freewallet is the worst idea ever!
Monero (XMR) is not the most popular, but very interesting cryptocurrency. The main advantage of this blockchain is the complete anonymity of transactions. With XMR on your balance, you can be sure that third parties will figure out your identity or track the direction of your payments. But using Freewallet for Monero transactions is the worst idea. You will simply lose money, moreover, Freewallet scammers will try to save your personal data, which can lead to other unpleasant consequences.
When I saw hundreds of people entering search terms like Freewallet Monero and Freewallet XMR every month, I was amazed. This cryptocurrency is chosen by those who want to be as anonymous as possible on the network. Freewallet org is a scam project that has nothing in common with the words “anonymity”, “safety” and “secure”!
In August 2022, the owners of Freewallet org organized a massive fraud among users of the XMR cryptocurrency. On August 13, 2022, the Monero network underwent a hard fork. The Freewallet administration made it so that the users’ assets were inaccessible, that is, they no longer had the opportunity to make transactions with these coins in the blockchain. Freewallet owners stole Monero from their customers, and it wasn’t the only episode of a scam.
Here is what one of the victims who lost their assets due to scammers from writes:
I found “FREEWALLET” and saw they had GREAT reviews(4.8) and downloaded and sent 365 XMR. This was supposed to be temporary! Immediately my account was locked!
I went through almost 300 emails with them over this time. They ask for all sorts of relevant/irrelevant things for “Verification”.
The scheme by which Freewallet steals coins is simple:
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]The user creates a wallet and deposits cryptocurrency there.
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]The administration freezes his account under the pretext of verification.
[if !supportLists]3. [endif]The support service begins to ignore requests, each time requiring new documents, photographs, and videos.
[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Even if a person sends everything they need, the administration finds new excuses to keep the assets. Moreover, the victim loses the main advantage of Monero – anonymity, because she has to send a huge array of private information.
Another way of cheating by scammers is Freewallet Monero payment id.
The administration of the service assures that this tool serves to protect users, allowing them to identify their transactions on exchanges and marketplaces. But in fact, having access to private keys and knowing the payment id, Freewallet owners can easily steal your assets by transferring them to another address. After that, the administration pretends that the client himself did it, convinces him that an error has occurred and refuses to provide any assistance.
Such a story happened to a client with the nickname Surafad. He changed BTC to XMR, and as a result, the coins went to an unknown address. The administration assured that the victim was “mistakenly transferred coins to a wallet in the alternative XMO cryptocurrency”. Although in reality Freewallet scammers just stole his Monero cryptocurrency!
Freewallet plus XMR equals lost money and a bad mood. Freewallet support just ignores users whenever they need help. But it’s not the main problem. Monero wallet by freewallet was created for a scam. Under the guise of KYC and AML, the administration blocks wallets, after which the victim loses access to assets. Do not forget that this service is custodial. You do not have private keys, and as soon as the administration decides to take your money, it will be impossible to return it.
According to our data, the Freewallet scam project owners have recently stolen almost $8,000,000 from their clients.
The best idea to securely and anonymously receive, store and send XMR is to do it through trusted wallets. On the official website of the Monero project, you can find information on how to work with this cryptocurrency correctly. You can find other alternatives for Monero Freewallet. We will not list specific wallet names so that Freewallet org scammers do not try to accuse us of advertising competitors. There are different crypto wallets on the network, convenient and not very convenient, mobile and desktop, custodial and non-custodial. The main thing to always remember: Freewallet is a scam and will definitely steal your coins! Never use it!
We know that there are many active users in the Monero cryptocurrency community who value reliability and security. Some of these people have already experienced fraud from Freewallet org. We have a chance to stop these criminals!
Several days ago, on 08/02/2023 I made an official crime report to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (a UK authority that investigates online scam and fraud crimes) about Freewallet scammers. My report was registered by number NFRC230806087223.
Our team created an online petition with an appeal to the NFIB (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau of the UK) to investigate the fraudulent activities of Freewallet owners.
If you sign this petition, your vote will help to make NFIB investigate the actions of Freewallet scam project founders. This is a chance to make them return all stolen coins and prevent new episodes of Monero Freewallet fraud!
For a link to the petition, write!